Sunday 13 November 2011

Purple Sprouting Broccoli

I've tried growing Purple Sprouting Broccoli in the past but it got stripped bare by hungry pigeons before I got to taste it. I wasn't going to let the same thing happen this time so it's been netted from the offset in my brassica cage. I didn't realise just how tall this grows though, it's making a bid for freedom, trying to find a gap in the top of the netting through which it can escape. The plants are producing their heads early, I shall be tasting some this week, though it's a plant which usually produces it's harvest in the new year. I suppose this is another plant which is confused by the weather this year.

I still didn't manage to source any pansies for my hanging baskets this weekend. It's a job which I shall definitely do in the next week, time just seems to be passing me by at the moment.

We've had a really miserable day today. We haven't had any rain but it's been damp and grey all day. It hasn't been ideal gardening weather so I didn't do any, I really need to get motivated and get the plot dug over for winter.


  1. Gosh that's a long way ahead of mine, which is also netted to thwart the pigeons. Enjoy it.

  2. Seems like everyone's PSB is ahead of schedule this year. Mine is netted, but against foxes, not pigeons. For some reason the pigeons that visit my garden seem to ignore the brassicas - thank goodness.

  3. Broccoli one of my favourite vegetables.
    Love from Mum

  4. Mine's ahead too. I think my plot is too dry and some have gone to flower so quickly. I need to mulch my beds next year.

  5. Congrats on beating the birds and enjoy your harvest :)

  6. I'm in the same situation, at least on one of the plants - and I am still getting spearheads on the Calabrese which have been producing since March. Unbelievable.

  7. We stayed in too Jo - I can see you'll end up with all yellow pansies!

  8. I don't like damp, grey days either when I usually end up mooching or sofa flying! Flighty xx

  9. It's easy to let a grey day get you down. Worse when the weather is cold too.

  10. Your post has reminded me that I must have a peek under the netting at my psb when I next visit the lottie. Hope that you get some sunshine and pansies soon Jo - much easier to get motivated when the grey evaporates:)

  11. I shall certainly enjoy it, Su, I've waited a long time to taste it. Not as long as I should have done though.

    You must have your pigeons well trained, Mark. I don't have any foxes bothering my garden or plot, they must be a nuisance.

    I love broccoli too, Mum, but the rest of the family aren't that keen. More for me, I say.

    I think lots of people will be harvesting their broccoli early this year, Lorna. It's just another thing which the weather has confused.

    Thanks, Tanya. I don't mind sharing some things with the birds, but not my broccoli.

    You've had a long harvest from the calabrese, Elaine. It sounds like you'll be harvesting purple sprouting and calabrese at the same time.

    I'll take whatever's left, Sue, beggars can't be choosers. It'll teach me to organise myself a bit better next year.

    I can't seem to get myself motivated on damp, grey days, Flighty. My moods usually match the weather.

    At least we haven't had any very cold weather yet, Don't unplug your hub. We're still waiting for our first frost here.

    We've had a little sunshine this afternoon, Anna. My mood improves no end when we have a nice bright day. Hope your psb is doing well for you.


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