The Marsh Marigold - Caltha Palustris is flowering it's socks off at the moment. It's such a bright, cheerful plant, and so easy to grow. I've had it in the pond for four years now and it's really grown. My Wildlife Pond post is one of the first posts I did on the blog back in April 2009, and it shows how tiny the plant was when I bought it. It also shows how tiny my pond is, 84cm X 64cm. Two of the plants I originally planted are still living, the Marsh Marigold and the Mini Bulrush - Typha Minima. This produced seed heads for the first time last year, but they were worth waiting for. You can see them on my On A Positive Note post. I've also got an Iris in the pond, but that's never flowered yet, though I still live in hope. It's amazing how a small amount of water can bring wildlife in to the garden. I get frogs, though no frogspawn yet I'm sad to say, and all manner of insects. I also keep bits of log around the pond for the beetles and other creepy crawlies to enjoy. As you can see, the pond needs a bit of a tidy up really, but that's Hubby's job.
The potatoes which I planted up in to containers really early have, at last, poked their noses above the soil. They were planted during the really cold spell and kept swathed in fleece in the greenhouse. I'd hoped that getting them in early would give me an early harvest, but as they didn't seem to want to grow, I thought they'd rotted. They obviously just wanted to stay in the warmth, and who can blame them? I was a little premature in getting them in some soil.
The grass has had it's first mow of the year, and is already growing at a rate of knots again. I have to call it grass, not lawn. It's a bit of a state really as part of it is shaded by the trampoline, and this bit is covered in dandelions, which is ok really as it's something to feed the rabbits. Other parts are full of other weeds, and the whole thing holds water really badly so it turns in to a mud bath in winter. We move the rabbit hutches down on to the patio in winter so we can avoid treading on the grass too much, though the hutches have been moved back on to the grass now, a sure sign that the weather is improving.
February 2025
I never look forward to February, I always imagine a cold, dreary month,
and that's exactly what it was for the most part, though we did get a few
6 days ago