My wild strawberry plant just isn't giving up this year, it's still blooming away. I only have one plant, so I don't get many berries from it, though those which I do get are extremely tasty. The flavour of the small, sweet fruit explodes in the mouth and gives a real punch. This plant is in my garden, but I'm considering growing more of these plants at the allotment, as the tiny fruit is ideal to add to a morning bowl of cereal.
I'm hoping to get down to the allotment this weekend, just to check things over. It will be my first visit for quite some time, it's just been so wet lately. I've got some leeks in the ground, but that's it. Last year, I did really well with brassicas over winter, but the plants I was trying to raise this year all got eating by slugs at the seedling stage and I never got round to sowing any more. I really must do better next year.
I think we can safely say that no fruit will develop from the wild strawberry flower, it's far too cold now. The temperatures have plummeted this week and I've heard it mentioned that we're due to have our coldest winter for 100 years. Not only that but some experts are expecting the temperatures to drop as low as minus 20C during December and January. Goodness, I may have to invest in some thermals, I hate being cold.
Dunham Massey
It's been a dull weekend but we didn't let that stop us crossing the
Pennines on Saturday to visit Dunham Massey in Greater Manchester. A
National Trust ...
4 days ago