It was back in March 2009 that I took on my first allotment and I started this blog on the 1st of April so that I could track the progress I made on it. This is the first photo I posted and shows the plot as it was before we started clearing, weeding and digging.
There were a couple of problems with that plot, one being that there was no water on the site and the other was the site itself, it was so small, only six plots, so it was very quiet. There was never anyone around when we were there and after witnessing a small incident, I just didn't feel safe being there on my own.
A couple of years ago I was offered a plot on a new site. It was a fabulous plot having a shed and lots of soft fruit planted, we jumped at it.
Unfortunately, since then, we just haven't been able to give it as much attention as we'd like. This last year particularly, it got out of hand as we just don't have the time any more to devote to it. We'd pondered the idea of giving it up last year but decided to carry on but in November when the bill for another year dropped through the letterbox, we knew that it was time.
Our circumstances have changed in the seven years that we've had a plot, though my enthusiasm for gardening hasn't so I'll continue to grow my own but on a smaller scale in my own garden. I shan't be digging up the lawn just yet, I shall go back to the way I used to grow veggies before I got an allotment, in containers, but eventually I would like some raised beds.
This blog was started to follow my adventures on my allotment but now I no longer have a plot and time is at a premium, I'm going to stop posting here. As many of you know, I do have another blog, Through The Keyhole, which I will continue with and I shall slot in some posts about my garden plot on there. Some of you already comment on that blog as well as this one but I do hope that those of you who don't will pop over and follow me over there.
I'd like to thank everyone who has followed my ramblings here over the years, I've made some very good friends and it's been a pleasure getting to know you all through your blogs. Thank you for all the comments you've left, every single one has been very much appreciated.
Wishing you all a wonderful new year and wishing you all the very best for the 2016 growing season.
Dunham Massey
It's been a dull weekend but we didn't let that stop us crossing the
Pennines on Saturday to visit Dunham Massey in Greater Manchester. A
National Trust ...
4 days ago