My allotment is, hopefully, going to be a riot of colour this year. I've often admired how Flighty from Flighty's Plot mixes flowers in with his veg on his allotment, and though I do have a few flowers on the plot, such as borage, the colour on my own allotment just doesn't compare. Recently, Flighty has, very generously, sent me some pot marigold seeds, Flighty's Favourites. These seeds were collected from his own plants, so I hope they bring some much needed colour to my plot this year. I know that quite a few other people have been gifted the same variety of seeds, so it will be lovely to see photos of the blooms appear on quite a few blogs over summer. Thank you, Flighty, I shall enjoy growing them.
Back in January, I did a blog post, Stumped, about the amaryllis I was growing. I've never grown one before, and this was a Christmas present. It took it's time growing, but it's eventually bloomed. It's a beautiful red colour, and I blogged about it on A Waiting Game post on my Through The Keyhole blog if you'd like to see it.
Some say it's traditional to plant potatoes on St. Patrick's Day, other's say it's traditional to plant on Good Friday. We've had snow again this week, and it's still trying it's best to snow again today, though it isn't settling, so I don't think that my potatoes will be planted for a while yet. I'm growing the majority of my potatoes in containers as I always seem to have too much slug damage when I grow them at the allotment, but Flighty left me a comment on a previous post saying that the red skinned Desiree potatoes seemed to do well in the ground with little slug damage, so I thought I'd try them at the plot. I bought a bag of ten tubers for just £1.49, so it's definitely worth a try. I've set them out to chit, so I just need the weather to cooperate now. The weather over the Easter weekend looks set to be cold, but it's a case of waiting to see what else it throws at us.
Dunham Massey
It's been a dull weekend but we didn't let that stop us crossing the
Pennines on Saturday to visit Dunham Massey in Greater Manchester. A
National Trust ...
4 days ago