It's time for a round up of the photos I've taken this month which haven't yet made it on to the blog.
Another photo of the crocuses I've grown this year, Miss Vain. I can't get enough of their gorgeous white blooms with yellow throats. Their blooms have faded now so I've planted them out in the ground and hopefully, they'll come back again next year. I shall look forward to it.
More photos from our trip to Oakwell Hall earlier in the month.
Snowdrops in the borders. It was lovely to see so many of these pretty flowers in the garden.
A daffodil in bud. I'm sure this will be blooming by now.
I love the evergreen plants and the structure of the garden. It makes for an interesting visit even in the depths of winter.
A stump left from where a tree has been cut down. A bit of a feature set against the stone wall.
A touch of colour from the climbing plant. I'm not sure what it is.
Moss on a tree stump. I find close ups fascinating, it's like a whole other world.
Blossom waiting to open up on my little peach tree. This photo was taken half way through the month.
Anemone Harmony Pearl. I've never grown these plants before but they're so pretty, I'm a convert.
More photos taken when we visited Harlow Carr.
I think Rudolph must have been left behind by Santa.
Daffodils putting on a show in one of the borders. I don't think anything lets us know that spring has arrived better than daffodils do.
The gardens are filled with irises at the moment. I love the intense blue of this variety.
My Tete a Tetes are flowering but I'm still waiting for my Thalia to follow suit.
My peach tree has now burst in to bloom. I keep this little tree in my greenhouse so I'm trying hand pollination to ensure I get some fruit.
The onions which I've started off in modules have started to shoot, they'll soon be ready to plant out.
A cowslip by my little pond. I love these spring flowers.
I hope you've enjoyed this hotchpotch of photos.
Things have started to get busy in the garden and on the allotment now. Seeds are being sown in earnest and the seed trays are jostling for room on the windowsills. We're approaching one of the busiest times of the gardening year.
Dunham Massey
It's been a dull weekend but we didn't let that stop us crossing the
Pennines on Saturday to visit Dunham Massey in Greater Manchester. A
National Trust ...
4 days ago