Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Terrariums Giveaway Winner

Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway to win a copy of Terrariums: Gardens Under Glass by Maria Colletti.

I'm pleased to announce that the name drawn out of the hat at random was Mark from Mark's Veg Plot. Well done, Mark, I hope you enjoy the book. Can you please let me have your address details so that I can pass it on to the publishing company in order for them to get your prize posted out.

Don't forget that the publishers are offering this book at a discounted price if you fancy a copy yourself. Please take a look at my Terrariums: Gardens Under Glass post for details.


  1. Oh wow! I'm thrilled to win this. Thank you very much!
    I'm reluctant to put my address details here, so if you email me I'll reply - my email is accessible via my blog profile. Thank you! :)

  2. Winning something, especially a book (I simply love books!) is such fun - lucky Mark!

  3. Congrats mark, lovely give away Jo x

  4. Congrats to the winner...I'm pretty sure I missed the giveaway in my absence. :-(

  5. Well done to Mark ...

    All the best Jan


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