Friday 1 June 2012

It's Raining It's Pouring

The gorgeous weather we've had for the past week or so has broken. We've had rain here for the past two days, and things are looking a little washed out. I've got a few of these poppies in both my front and back gardens this year, though I didn't plant them, they're self sown. I don't know much about poppies, but I think this may be a Welsh poppy. It's looking very sorry for itself in the rain.

I'm hoping that the weather improves for the Jubilee bank holiday weekend as I want to spend some time at the allotment, I've still got lots of things to plant out. I also need to do some direct sowing as the beetroot I sowed quite a few weeks back didn't germinate, I think the seed got washed away in all the rain. The parsnips still need to be sown, and I also want to make some direct sowings of French beans to give me a staggered harvest.

My mum and dad are coming for dinner on Sunday so I'm going to have a little feel under the soil in one of my potato containers. If there's anything there I shall empty it, the first potato harvest of the year, which I shall boil with a little mint and drizzle with butter. I don't mind if the potatoes aren't very big, just so long as there's plenty of them. I think bit sized new potatoes are just delicious.


  1. The raini (well drizzle) has just started here and the temperature has dropped considerably. Hope it recovers for the weekend.
    I always used to lift my first lot of potatoes from the allotment this weekend as we'd have them for my birthday tea which is this coming week, hope yours are ready!

  2. We have some of the same poppies that are self sown but in a gap right up againast the greenhouse.

    WE also have lots of planting that needs to be done on the plot.

  3. Wish it would rain here. The soil is like dust! My beetroot didn't germinate either, and I've just sown some more. xx

  4. The weather forecast for the Jubilee weekend looks a bit grim. Actually my garden would appreciate a good soaking after 10 days of warm sunshine and no rain. I'm already cursing the Drought Order and its hosepipe ban!

  5. That's a shame Jo...hopefully you have a fun back-up plan for the weekend :)

  6. Hi Jo, looks like more of the same for the weekend too.I think I might try feeling for some of my container potatoes too!

  7. Wow - the thought of new potatoes already. We're weeks away from any treats like that.

  8. No rain here yet but has felt really humid all day and not very pleasant, especially when trimming the hedge with hand shears! It's unfortunately look like a wet bank holiday here, what a surprise. Everything needs a bit of rain after the dry spell but why it has to be so badly timed I don't know. Have a great weekend, Jo whatever the weather. WW

  9. It is 9-45 pm. You just made my mouth water thinking of new potatoes, with mint and butter. I've only got old potatoes. Think I shall have to make some chips!

  10. Welsh poppies, both the orange and yellow ones, are lovely flowers.
    Good luck with the potatoes.
    Sadly it looks like being a dull and wet weekend here. Flighty xx

  11. AnonymousJune 02, 2012

    soil is soooo dry here I really need the rain that is forcast for later today.....
    I have five water butts at the allotment and they're all empty :-(
    hope you all have a good weekend whatever the weather,
    I intend to spend time at the allotment wet or not!

  12. I love Welsh poppies and we have lots of both orange and yellow ones. Looks like rain for Sunday here and my garden could do with it!

  13. I hope the rain has stayed away for you today, Su. We've had a milder day, but without rain so that's something. I haven't had a feel at the potatoes yet so I'm still keeping my fingers crossed.

    It's amazing where plants set seed, Sue. I've so many things popping up in between the paving. I'm hoping that I'll have most of my direct sowing done this weekend.

    Be careful what you wish for, Debbie. I'm sure you wouldn't want the rain we had over the last few weeks back. Hope the beetroot does better for you this time.

    It hasn't been such a bad day here today, Mark. I hope the rest of the bank holiday can follow suit.

    It hasn't been so bad today, Tanya. Hopefully, I won't need that back up plan.

    It's been an ok day today, Anne. Fingers crossed for your potatoes too.

    I'm still hoping at the moment, Martyn. I'll let you know how I go on with the potatoes.

    I really feel for you trimming the hedge with hand shears, Wellywoman. Our hedge needs a good cut back at the moment but like everything, it has to take it's turn in the queue. Hope the weather is ok with you at the moment.

    Chips are a good substitute, John. We may end up having those for Sunday dinner if my plan doesn't work out.

    I'm allowing the poppies to flower where they are, Flighty. They're lovely flowers. Hope you've had a decent day today. It's been a little cooler here but it's been dry.

    I hope you got the rain you needed, Sylvan. It doesn't take long until the water butts are dry, does it?

    Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment, Elizabeth. I'd rather the rain stay away over the bank holiday and come next week, but unfortunately, we can't choose. I've never had Welsh poppies in the garden before, but they're a lovely flower.

  14. Rain arrived here overnight :)
    We had our first new potatoes Friday evening - there's nothing quite like the first crop is there? Hope you find some for the weekend.

  15. I'm feeling hungry just thinking of those lovely new potatoes - hope you found lots.

  16. The garden here got a good soaking over the weekend - 36 hours non-stop! It's something that I'm very glad of as, like Mark, I've been cursing the hosepipe ban here in the south. I imagine that time spent with family is lovely whatever the weather - the idea of early spuds with mint and butter sound gorgeous! Hope it went well!

  17. AnonymousJune 04, 2012

    I've noticed so many yellow poppies this year, and I'd like some myself. Wonder where they have all popped up from as I've not noticed them before.

  18. If you managed to harvest potatoes I bet they were really tasty! I'm thinking end of June I'll be harvesting.

  19. Hope that you managed to get some time in at the lottie Jo and that there were enough potatoes for you t enjoy with your Sunday dinner. Welsh poppies appeared in my garden too without permission :)

  20. The rain's just started here again, Mo. Typical as my son is due to play a cricket match tonight, he hasn't managed many games this year because of the weather. You're right, there's nothing quite like the first potatoes of the year.

    We did find some, Liz. I'll report all about it in my next post. Needless to say, they were yummy.

    We had the rain at the weekend too, Caro. It didn't spoil the weekend though, as we had some dry weather too. I love potatoes with mint and butter, though I shouldn't really be having the butter seeing as I'm on a diet.

    Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment, meand2veg. I've got quite a few self seeded poppies this year, and have seen them in other peoples gardens too. I've no idea where they've sprung from.

    I did manage to harvest some potatoes, Kelly, and they were delicious. I'll be telling you all about it in my next post.

    I managed a little time at the lottie over the weekend, Anna. I got a few more things in the ground, but I really need to spend a good day down there, there's so much to do.


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