Sunday, 19 April 2009

Wildlife Border

Over Easter I sourced the plants for my new border. My small pond which only measures 84cm X 64cm is also in this border, and I wanted to choose plants which will attract beneficial insects into the garden.

All the plants which I bought are only small specimens but hopefully they will fill out. I'm particulary happy with my Dicentra Spectabilis - Bleeding Heart, which I have wanted for a while now, and which is pictured. The other plants which I chose are Leucanthemum Vulgare - Oxeye Daisy, Tanacetum Vulgare - Tansy, Myosotis Arvensis - Field Forget Me Not, Fritillaria Meleagris - Fritillary, Salvia Officinalis - Sage, Geranium Pratense - Meadow Cranesbill, Silene Vulgaris - Bladder Campion, Primula Vulgaris - Primrose, Cheiranthus Cheiri - Wild Wallflower, Hyacinthoides non scripta - Bluebell, Allium Schoenoprasum - Chives, Lavandula Angustifolia - Lavender 'Munstead', Silene Alba - White Campion, Inula Helenium - Elecampane, Centaurea Cyanus - Cornflower, Aquilegia Vulgaris - Columbine, Oenothera Glazioviana - Evening Primrose, and Wild Strawberry. Phew! I still have some bare patches but I want to see how these grow before I go filling the spaces completely.

This weekend I have sown more seeds, including Dwarf French Beans - Safari, Squash - Sunburst, Courgette - Green Bush, and Heliotrope - Marine. The Heliotrope seeds were kindly sent to me by Georgie and should hopefully attract more butterflies into the garden. If you haven't already checked out Georgie's blog I would urge you to do so. She packs so much into her 'Little London Garden'. You can find the link to her blog on the right.

It has been a lovely day here today but unfortunately I was in work all day. I'm hoping that the weather stays nice this coming week so that I can get more done on the allotment.


  1. Hi Jo

    That's an impressive list of plants for wildlife and I hope they all do well for you. Pure coincidence but my blog post today was also about growing things to attract wildlife (thanks for the name check btw). If you would like any of the seeds I mention I have spares. :D

    G x

  2. that's an exciting list! love those bleeding hearts too :)

  3. Thanks Georgie. I'm hoping the plants will do what they're supposed to do and attract lots of bees and butterflies into the garden.

  4. Go Jo! Wow!! What a great plant list! Of them I can only name four on my plot.. so far :) Keep them coming!!

  5. Thanks Tim.

    What with the new border and the new little pond I'm hoping that lots of insects will make a beeline (pun intended) for my garden.


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