I'm whispering this, just in case Mother Nature can hear me and decides to play a cruel trick. It seems that spring has been a long time coming, but I think it's finally here. We had some lovely sunny days last week, but on Saturday morning I woke up to drizzle. I thought that the weather was on the turn again, but it brightened up and turned into a lovely sunny weekend. It's sunny again today too. It's quite crisp, and there's some frost and ice about, in fact the small pond is frozen solid, but it's a lovely clear day. Long may it last.
Last year I bought a couple of rhubarb crowns. The allotment wasn't ready for them to be planted there, so instead, I planted them into large containers. They grew really well, but as they were new I didn't take any stems from them. I didn't get round to planting them out at the allotment so they're still in their containers, but they seem to be thriving. They've bulked up into good sized crowns and the Timperley Early is already throwing up new stems. I'll take a small harvest from them this year, enough to make a crumble, and then they can be planted out into the allotment. Rhubarb is a hungry plant so I will make sure that the ground has plenty of manure incorporated into it.
My kids have never tasted rhubarb. I hated it as a child, but I also hated beans. Since growing beans on the allotment they're now one of my favourite veg. Would you believe that before I had the allotment my hubby would not eat any veg at all? Talk about picky eaters. He now eats nearly everything I grow, and my son, who is also a picky eater, is eating much better. My daughter, well, she's just like me. She'll eat anything put in front of her, but that's one of the best things about having the allotment, not only knowing where your veg is grown and that there have been no chemicals used on it, but knowing that the family is eating much healthier. As well as growing all the things we like, I'm also growing things we're not so keen on, as it shows with the beans that our tastes can change. I'm hoping that we're going to enjoy the rhubarb.
As I've mentioned, we had a lovely sunny weekend, but I still haven't been to the plot. Instead I sent hubby down there to do some digging while I stayed at home and sowed more seed. I'm hoping that I can get down there this week to do some more preparation, and all being well, next weekend will see the drainage pipe being laid. Fingers crossed that this gorgeous spring weather continues.