As another month nears its end, it's time for a round up of photos which haven't yet made it on to the blog. Not a great selection this month, the bad weather, low light levels and the fact that I haven't been out and about very much means that I don't have very much to show.
First of all, a couple more photos from our visit to Harlow Carr at the very beginning of the month. We definitely had the best day of the month weather wise, the sun was shining and I was walking around in a t-shirt, it all went downhill from there.
There was some beautiful colour in the garden but the trees were starting to lose their leaves, we managed to visit just in time for the final fanfare.
Though many plants had finished flowering, the asters were still going strong and were lit beautifully by the late morning sunshine.
Another photo of the Chrysanthemums I've been enjoying indoors, kindly supplied by Mick's uncle.
Some more photos from our visit to Lister Park.
The hydrangeas were still blooming providing some welcome colour.
Some flowers were starting to fade, they're still beautiful though.
We saw the gunnera looking very sad at Harlow Carr but here in Lister Park, it was still going strong, even with a sprinkling of snow.
That's it for another month. It's raining here today and very, very windy. Spring can't come soon enough for me.
February 2025
I never look forward to February, I always imagine a cold, dreary month,
and that's exactly what it was for the most part, though we did get a few
1 week ago