Back in 2013 I treated myself to a new plant each month. I followed one of Geoff Hamilton's tips, buying a plant in flower each month of the year so that I'd have something blooming in the garden the whole year round.
In February 2013, the plant I chose was a native primrose. I already had other primroses in the garden but they're such a beautiful plant, one of my favourites at this time of year, that I decided to add to what I'd already got.
Although it was in flower when I bought it in February 2013, it hasn't yet flowered this year and has just about missed February completely. It could also do with a bit of a tidy up, some of its leaves are looking very unattractive.
It has increased in size though, and as you can see, it's just starting to bud up. It should have a mass of flowers given time.
Perhaps primroses are better suited to being a flower for March, and with this in mind, I treated myself to a new plant for February, Erica x darleyensis Jack H. Brummage.
The information states that it's a compact plant with bright yellow foliage in summer turning to deeper gold in winter. It's suitable for most soil types and thrives in full sun or partial shade, so it should do well in my garden.
Its flowers are produced in late winter and early spring, so it sounds as though this is ideal as my February bloomer.
Archie died on Monday. He was just two months shy of his fifteenth
birthday. He'd had a long and happy life, but I wasn't ready to let him go.
I don't th...
6 days ago