Friday, 24 January 2014

Veg Journal Giveaway Winner

The giveaway for Charles Dowding's Veg Journal ended at noon today and I'm pleased to announce that the name drawn at random from the hat is Linda Penney from Linda's Wildlife Garden. Congratulations, Linda. Can you please let me have your name and address details so that I can pass these on to the publishing company so they can send out your prize.

It was very interesting to read all the comments I got on my last post about composting. It seems that we all compost different things and some of us are more cautious than others about what we put in our bins. As you can see from the Index, Charles Dowding covers composting in a lot of detail in his veg journal so I will be reading up on it, but I know I need to start including things which I don't already in my compost otherwise I'll be making numerous trips to the tip.

He also covers composting in nearly all of the monthly Jobs For The Month sections, advising how to use the compost, where to spead it and which plants will benefit from it.

Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway. Don't forget that if you fancy buying a copy of this book, the publishing company are offering it at the discounted price of £12.00 including p&p. Please look at my Charles Dowding's Veg Journal post for details.

Congratulations once again to Linda who has won the giveaway.


  1. Thank you I will I am in a lovely shock

    1. You're welcome, congratulations. I hope you enjoy the book.

  2. I'm sure that Linda will find it very useful.
    Happy composting! Flighty xx

    1. I'm sure she will, it covers just about everything. I'm hoping I can manage to make even more compost than I usually do this year with all the extra I'm going to be composting.

  3. Well done Linda, it looks like a brilliant book. I'm hoping to compost more at the allotment this year, now that (hopefully) there won't be as many seedy things.

    1. I think I've been way too over cautious when it comes to composting, I aim to change my ways this year.

  4. Ah, Linda's lucky day! A lovely book by a well-respected gardener, should come in very handy! Will you have your compost bin in your own garden, Jo, or are you shipping all your compostable waste to the lottie? Just wondered whether you've considered a wormery? Apparently they'll even eat the kitchen scraps that you can't compost! Wish I'd got room for one on my balcony!

    1. I think it will definitely come in very handy. I used to have a dalek type compost bin in the garden as well as the bins at the allotment, but it eventually sort of buckled and wasn't much good anymore so we don't have one in the garden now. I'm not too bothered about a wormery, though they sound like a good idea for getting rid of every last bit of waste.

  5. Replies
    1. I'm sure Linda will enjoy the book.

  6. I love to learn about composting. Love to learn more and more. Thanks for sharing

    1. I think we all do things different ways, though there's no right way or wrong way. There's always plenty to learn when it comes to gardening.

  7. A lovely giveaway. It looks like an interesting book.

    1. It's very interesting. It covers so many different topics and it comes with good, down to earth advice.

  8. Replies
    1. I hope she enjoys the book, I'm sure she will.

  9. Another give-away I managed to miss in my absence...I really should start getting on top of things. It looks like a great book, congrats to the winner!!

    1. It's a shame you missed it, it's a great book and a great prize.

  10. Oh many congratulations to Linda :)

    1. I'm enjoying reading more and more of the book so I'm sure Linda will enjoy it too.

  11. Well done Linda, I'm sure you'll enjoy

    1. It's an interesting book and covers so many topics that there's something for everyone in it.


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