Friday, 26 October 2012

A Heartfelt Thanks

Thank you to everyone who has sent their good wishes our way for Archie.

We've been back to the vets today and a tumour has been ruled out. He's got a really, really bad infection in his anal glands, but it looks as though he's turned a corner now. He's just about back to his cheeky self today, and I'm over the moon.

I'm a true believer in positive thinking, and I know that so many of you have sent your good wishes, prayers and positive vibes this way that I can't help but feel it's helped. Thank you so, so much.

Back to gardening very soon!


  1. Good news Jo! I'm a big believer too in positive thinking.Enjoy your weekend!

  2. The best of news Jo ~ now all of you and Archie can enjoy the weekend :)

  3. That's brilliant news, I've been thinking of you since your last post. Have a great weekend x Amanda

  4. That's great news. I bet you're relieved. xx

  5. That's such good news. Flighty xx

  6. Phew - you can breathe again - lots of love to you both.

  7. So glad to hear that. I'm with you on the positive thinking issue - it makes such a difference and has such results. x

  8. I'm so glad that Archie's on the mend.
    Love from Mum

  9. Glad to hear your good news, Jo. We had good news of a sort too. Our dog (Toby) had an epileptic fit on Tuesday - although we didn't know that's what it was at the time. Very traumatic. The good news is that he hasn't had a repeat episode since.

  10. Glad to hear that the news is not as bad as you had feared - even though what the poor chap has sounds truly awful still !

  11. We were out all day yesterday, Jo so just read your news and am so very glad that Archie is on the mend. It must have been an awful wait.

  12. That's lovely news. Glad he is on the mend.

  13. We are all happy to help any way we can Jo. Love to all your family and especially Archie.


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