Monday, 3 September 2012

Nearly Made It

The Birthday Rose nearly made it in time for my big day. It's my birthday today and as you can see, the half standard rose which Hubby bought me as an early birthday present has just about bloomed in time. The photo which was attached to the plant showed a white rose with a light pink tinge, but I'm always wary of going by these photos as the flowers themselves often look nothing like. It looks as though it might be a good likeness in this case though.

The sun is shining, for a change, and as Hubby has the day off work, and the kids aren't back to school until tomorrow, we're heading off to Bridlington on Yorkshire's east coast for the day. I hope the weather stays fine.


  1. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you have a lovely day planned - I hope the weather's good too :-)

  2. Have a lovely birthday and who knows the sunshine may mean the rose is open for you when you get back!

  3. Happy Birthday Jo!
    Your birthday rose is beautiful!
    Hope you have a great day out with your family, fingers crossed the sun shines all day for you.
    Gill xx

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! That looks like a beautiful rose. So glad the sun is shining for your birthday. It is here too. Have a great day. WW

  5. Happy Birthday. Have a great day.

  6. Happy Birthday. Your rose looks beautiful. I hope you have a lovely day.

  7. The rose in the photo looks really pretty, it will be great to see fully open. Was reading over your past posts. I haven't had any luck with squash or pumpkin. The courgettes have finally come around and getting regular supply. My tomatoes are ripening daily now (in sun room). I imagine yours will soon be ripening?

  8. P.S. Forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy Birthday Jo, Bridlington is a lovely place to visit....and the weather was glorious for your birthday so I hope you had a great day. Remember to take us a picture of that rose when it has bloomed full!!

  10. Oh a most Happy Birthday to you Jo.! So glad to hear that the rose has revealed its colours and that the sun has come out for you. Hope that your special day has been filled with fun and flowers xxx

  11. Happy birthday Jo, enjoy your day in Bridlington. The weather has been glorious at the east coast for the last two days and I think is set to last.

  12. Happy Birthday to you - enjoy your day.
    Love from Mum

  13. Happy Birthday, Jo! Hope you had a great day. Did you get any new plants???

  14. Happy birthday, I hope that you've had a lovely day. Flighty xx

  15. Happy Birthday Jo Hope you have had a wonderful day full of joy and laughter.

  16. A belated happy birthday hun.

    i hope you were spoilt rotten and had an amazing day trip.

    X x

  17. Thank you for all your lovely comments, they made my day.

    We had a lovely day in Bridlington, calling in at Fraisthorpe on the way home so that Archie could have a run and play in the sea and rock pools. The sun shone all day and I got a little burnt.

    Kelli - Still no sign of my tomatoes ripening but I'm living in hope.

    Mark - The Birthday Rose was an early birthday present from Hubby, but other than that I didn't get anything for the garden, which is quite unusual. I did get a gorgeous hand painted vase off my son to display my cut blooms in though.


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