Our local nursery is closing down. It's such a shame as I've used this family run business for years, and I don't know of any other decent nurseries nearby. We've got quite a few garden centres close to where we live, but I've heard that two of those are closing down too, a sign of the times.
We visited the nursery at the weekend and as they were having a closing down sale with 50% off marked prices, managed to pick up a few bargains.
I've been wondering about adding to my patio fruit tree collection, so couldn't resist picking up a plum tree. It's a Czar which is known as a culinary plum, but with a little research I've found out that it can be used as an eating plum if the fruit is left on the tree to fully mature as the flesh becomes much sweeter. I also added another apple tree to my trolley. As I bought a red apple tree earlier in the year, I've gone for a green one this time, Golden Delicious.
I don't have much soft fruit so I thought I would remedy the situation. I bought a gooseberry, Uva-Crispa Pax, which is a red thornless variety. Gooseberries can be extremely thorny so I thought this was the best bet to avoid my arms being cut to shreds when harvesting. I also got a Tayberry which is a cross between a raspberry and a blackberry, and a rhubarb crown, variety Stockbridge Arrow.
I've had lavender in the garden for a number of years, but it's gone really woody. I was going to take some cuttings from it but seeing a lavender plant at the nursery with 50% discount, I decided to buy a new one instead. I'm still going to take some cuttings though, as I'd like to have some plants at the allotment to encourage the bees.
Last but not least, I got an early birthday present. I've been looking for a rose which I could grow in a container for a long time but I've been very fussy and haven't found one at a reasonable price which I've liked. The nursery was selling their half standard roses at half price, and I loved the variety The Birthday Rose so Hubby bought it for me. I'm looking forward to it blooming to see it's true colour as I don't think roses ever look the same in real life as they do in a photo.
All in all, I think I did really well with the bargains and I'm hoping for plenty of fruit to come. I just wish the nursery wasn't closing down, it's such a shame.
February 2025
I never look forward to February, I always imagine a cold, dreary month,
and that's exactly what it was for the most part, though we did get a few
6 days ago
Good bargains, but sad that it's closing. I hope you fins another good local(ish) nursery.
ReplyDeleteIt's such a shame to hear of another nursery closing. Like you say a sign of the times. I would love to open a micro nursery been thinking about it for some time.
ReplyDeleteI love your bargains. Cazr is a fab plum. The rose is a stunner to. Hope you get to visit again before the Nursery closes and find some more exciting bargains.
It's sad to hear the nursery is closing down. I think it's really hard for independents generally but the recession is putting even bigger pressure on them.
ReplyDeleteLooks like you've got some real bargains there and you'll have bumper crops of fruit in the year to come.
The standard rose sounds lovely and the perfect name for a birthday present.
It is a shame and I told them we would miss them! Rocky Robin even popped in to say goodbye while we were there - don't know what he will do for his seed fix. Which other bnurseries are closing?
ReplyDeleteJust to add after reading the other comments that the nursery is closing as the owners are retiring and the site is also one of their homes so can't be sold as a business as he doesn't want to move - it's not that they are struggling.
ReplyDeleteHi Jo, You got some good buys there.Its a real shame when things have to close. I would love some fruit trees but our garden is so small I dont think it would take any.
ReplyDeleteI love a bargain, Jo, and you did well! I hope you get lots of fruit. I'm sorry to hear the recession is causing garden centers to close (although this is not the case with your nursery). I hope none of my favorites are closing -- visiting them when I'm in England is one of my biggest joys. P. x
ReplyDeleteI like the sound of that thornless gooseberry Jo.
ReplyDeleteThink you got some good bargins before they close.
How sad that you are losing a favourite nursery, but you got some good bargains ;)
ReplyDeleteIt is a shame to see your nursery closing down...but also good that you managed to visit and get yourself some bargains before they shut their doors for the last time.
ReplyDeleteAlways somewhat upsetting when a favourite nursery disappears Jo :(
ReplyDeleteYou certainly came home with some real treasures. Hope that you enjoy your special day when it arrives and that is full of fun and flowers!
Sounds like you got some good deals.
ReplyDeleteThe only garden centre in our town closed down at the beginning of this year, but many others in the vicinity are struggling or have also closed. It's a real shame!
I'm sure I posted a comment on this post...maybe I read it and was going to comment when I got interrupted. Anyway it's a shame to see the nursery go but at least you managed to grab some great bargains before it closed it's doors. Hope all your fruit gives you great harvests!!
ReplyDeleteIt's such a shame that it's closing, Su. I've used the nursery for many years and it will be missed.
ReplyDeleteIt would be great to open a micro nursery, Sue, do let us know if you decide to go ahead. Glad to hear a good review of the plum, I shall look forward to it bearing fruit.
I think it's hard for all independent shops at the moment, Wellywoman, not only because of the recession but small businesses in general find it very hard going. I'm looking forward to the rose blooming.
I'm sure the owner will still give Rocky his seed fix, Sue. I've heard that Strikes on Swillington Common is closing, not surprising really as Savilles on the Cliff is part of the Strikes group. Also, Hayes on the A64 is also supposed to be closing.
All my trees are staying in containers, Anne. I've got four trees now, they really don't take up much more space than a container of flowers. Something to think about.
I love looking round garden centres too, Pam, but much prefer a nursery when I'm looking to make a purchase. Garden centres tend to be overpriced and only carry stock of the most common things.
I haven't tasted a gooseberry since I was a child, Martyn, I hope I like them. I think I've done the right thing going for a thornless variety.
I'm on the lookout now for another good nursery where I can do my shopping, Mo. The one which is closing down was so convenient, I didn't have to travel far to it.
It was a really good sale, Tanya, just about everything was half price. Everyone was filling up their cars, and I even saw people arriving in vans.
Thanks, Anna. A week and a bit to my birthday, who knows, I may get some blooms on the rose.
Many businesses are struggling in the recession, Martin. It's such a shame when they can't continue though, especially like yours, being the only one in the town.
Such a shame the garden centre is closing down, especially a family business. Some tough times for many businesses. The plants you purchased sound great, hope they do well and a good way to remember the local nursery in years to come.
ReplyDeleteIt will be sad to see it go, Kelli. I'm just hoping that I manage to find somewhere else as good nearby.
ReplyDeleteStrikes were going to be my alternative for a quick ride when I go to my sisters in Rothwell. Must admit I'm not keen on Savilles but haven't been for ages so maybe it's better.
ReplyDeleteI'm within walking distance of Savilles, Sue, but I don't go very often as it's not great. I seem to remember a garden centre in Rothwell which we used to go to a number of years ago, I wonder if it's still there, I'll have to investigate. I don't know the area very well so can't say where abouts it was, but will let you know if I manage to find it.
ReplyDeleteI know the one in Rothwell Jo - it's at the end of Wood Lane and there is another near Middleton which is close. Neither are a patch on Swillington though and at Swillington we could take the dog as she was allowed outside in the plant bit.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to have a look at them, Sue, but I haven't come across any which have been as good as Swillington. We take Archie with us to Poppleton Garden Centre, part of The Garden Centre Group which used to be Wyevales. It's on the A59 on the outskirts of York and dogs are allowed inside as well as out. I always manage to pick up some seed bargains when they have their seed sale on, 50p per packet.
ReplyDeleteAgree with the comments about Swillington. I have been going there for over 30 years. It was a nursery for gardeners as opposed to lifestyle centres like Savilles and Strikes. Savilles are okay if you want to give the grandkids a ride on the train or spend mega pounds on patio furniture. Ask them for some Hoof and Hornmeal and all you will get are vacant stares.
ReplyDeleteI agree, Brian. We could do with another good nursery in the area, though I don't know of one at the moment.
ReplyDeleteFor the basics like compost and fertiliser etc, the cheapest place in the area has to be the Garforth allotment society shed just off Church Lane.
ReplyDeleteApologies if I am telling you something that you already know.
I have an allotment in Garforth, Brian. I have to admit that I don't often look in the allotment society shed, I shall definitely take a look now. Are you a Garforth allotment tenant?
ReplyDeleteI don't actually have an allotment, just a fairly large garden. I will be showing a few things at the Garforth show this coming Saturday.
ReplyDeleteI don't think we will be able to make the show this year, Brian. Good luck, hope you get some winners.