As you can see, the Monkey Musk - Mimulus Luteus is now in flower in my small wildlife pond. You can read about my wildlife pond and setting it up in a post I made in March. Since then it has become more established and although I haven't spotted any amphibians around the pond there are plenty of insects swimming around. The Marsh Marigold - Caltha Palustris flowered almost as soon as the pond was set up and the Mini Bulrush - Typha Minima and Oenanthe Japonica Flamingo - Variegated Water Celery has put on lots of growth.
The weather over the past few days has taken a turn and we've had lots of rain so I haven't managed to get much done in the garden. The plants however have benefitted from the rainfall and everything is springing into life. In the wildlife border the Cornflower - Centaurea Cyanus, Bladder Campion - Silene Vulgaris and Lavender Munstead - Lavandula Angustifolia are flowering. I have various Fuchsia's planted in containers in the garden and most of these are now in flower after putting on lots of growth after a spring prune.
Yesterday I went to Wyevale Garden Centre and bought a Heliotrope 'Butterfly Kisses'. I have tried to grow Heliotrope from seed, however, I can't get the seeds to germinate so I've cheated. This plant is good for attracting butterflies into the garden. I also bought a Nemesia 'Vanilla Scent' which again, is good for attracting butterflies. Both of these plants are usually grown as annuals, but they are in fact tender perennials so I'm going to have a go at growing them in containers and overwintering them in the greenhouse.
The first trusses have now formed on my tomato plants so now is the time to start feeding with a high potash feed to encourage more flowers and fruit. More fruit has formed on my pepper plant, however, there is still no sign of any flowers on my aubergine.
Today has started out dry although a little dull so I'm hoping that I can manage to get to the allotment before we get any rain as I still have lots of young plants waiting to be planted out and also lots of strawberries to pick.
Thanks Jo for a short drop at my blog...., so you have allotment, which to me is such an experience... I just garden around the house, not real outing , alloting and toiling!!... cheers,
ReplyDelete~ bangchik
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kind comments. Your Monkey flower is quite pretty. I would love to see how the pond looks as more things are coming out around it. As for the amphibians, our toads like shade. They tend to show up near the rock garden, so they can hide in the rocks when the sun is full.
I just posted a couple of great photos of a snapping turtle.
Ho Jo,
ReplyDeletemy tomatoes are in flower (some even with 2 trusses on!), but as yet, nothing on my Aubergine either. This is my first year for growing aubergine, so I'm not sure what to expect? I'm growing mine outside (in my square foot garden), but I have conceeded to growing them under bell cloches, as not sure our weather is good enough for genuine outside growing? Let's see what happens...
All the best.
Hi Jo. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours is great ! Very pretty and some really nice photographs. You have inspired me to improve upon my own. I will keep reading with interest.
ReplyDeleteI am the opposite, fruit on the tomato plant, but nothing as yet on the pepper or squash plant! :)
ReplyDeleteI might nip to a garden centre tomorrow and see if I can find a 'butterfly kiss' and 'vanilla scent'. Hmmm, you're a bad influence!
ReplyDeleteI have my greenhouse in my garden, so if I'm short on time and can't get to the allotment, I can't still get my gardening 'fix'.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to my Bulrush coming into flower and will definitely post a picture of my pond when this happens.
Thanks for popping by Dan. I now have more trusses on my tomato plants, but no flowers have opened as yet.
Thanks for visiting Clare, and for your kind comments. It's interesting following each other's progress.
Fruit already on the tomato plant? My flowers haven't even opened up yet!
Don't you just love the name of the Heliotrope 'Butterfly Kisses'? I'm hoping that it will attract some butterflies into the garden and then I can see them kiss it!