After three years of trying to grow aubergines, this is the furthest I have ever got. In previous years, my aubergine plants haven't even flowered, so I'm really hopeful this year that I will get some fruit. There is currently one flower on the plant, and another bud is getting ready to open.
My tomatoes are flowering like mad, but still no sign of fruit, except for the micro tomato plant which has about six ripe fruit on it and more still ripening. I have never seen such a small tomato plant before, and the fruit is the size of cherries.
The courgette plant which I have in a container in the greenhouse is flowering so I'm hoping for fruit to follow. The courgette plant which I have planted at the allotment hasn't got any flowers on it yet.
The plants in my wildlife border are flowering like mad and attracting lots of bees and hoverflies, but sadly no butterflies. I haven't seen many butterflies around at all this year. Last year I grew some Nasturtium in the border and I'm forever pulling out seedlings which have self seeded from last years plants. They're even growing in the cracks between the paving.
The first of my lilies which are planted in containers has burst into flower today and there are lots more buds on the plant so there will be lots more flowers to come. I have planted lilies on the allotment to cut and bring home for the house, but although they have plenty of buds on them they aren't yet flowering. Perhaps the warm weather we have had forcast for the coming week will spur them on.