It's hard to believe that it's time again for my monthly photo medley, half the year's gone already. So, on with this month's round up of photos.
I bought a foxglove last year from a local plant sale. At the beginning of the month it was just starting to come in to flower.
The willow tea cup planter which Daniel bought me for Christmas is filling out. Flowers have appeared on the thyme since this photo was taken.
We saw this laid back sheep on our visit to Temple Newsam. She didn't bother moving even when Archie stuck his nose through the railings to say hello.
Another photo of the rhododendrons at Temple Newsam. If you're in the area I can thoroughly recommend a visit during May or June.
The lake always looks so tranquil with the weeping willows draping over it.
There's lots of new life to be seen everywhere you look at this time of year.
More foxglove photos as more little bell shaped flowers begin to open.
I grew this aquilegia from seed, it's a McKana Hybrid. The red and yellow flowers make a change from all the purple aquilegias I've got in the garden, the plant is absolutely covered in blooms this year.
Irises at Harlow Carr.
A quirky fairy ring where we were invited to step inside and make a wish. These little metal toadstools were available to buy.
I love this seahorse.
A beautiful cistus blooming it's socks off.
I think the bees were enjoying this plant as much as I was.
My potatoes look to be doing well, there's lots of healthy foliage. I just hope there's lots going on underneath the soil too.
Towards the end of the month the foxglove is still flowering away. The bottom flowers have now withered and dropped from the plant but the top flowers are still yet to open.
We're forecast some good weather this week so I hope everyone enjoys it and makes the most of it. I don't like it too hot so I may be hiding indoors for most of the time.
Archie died on Monday. He was just two months shy of his fifteenth
birthday. He'd had a long and happy life, but I wasn't ready to let him go.
I don't th...
6 days ago