Anna, over at Green Tapestry, often showcases new blogs which she's enjoying reading, and I thought it would be a good idea to do the same. I've decided that I'm going to make this a monthly feature titled Blog Of The Month. Some of the blogs I feature will be ones I've recently discovered, while others will be ones I've been following for some time, but which I think deserve a mention.
The Blog Of The Month for January is A Whole Plot Of Love. Joanne started the blog in June of last year, and she writes about gardening in her North Wales garden where she has a small vegetable plot. It's amazing how much she manages to fit in to her garden, certainly more than I manage on my allotment, she even has numerous fruit trees and bushes growing in pots to maximise space. Like most of us, Joanne is currently finalising her list of seeds to sow this year, and working out what she still needs to buy. You can read about the things she's already decided on in her most recent posts.
Joanne's husband has just embarked on quite a large DIY project, knocking down the dividing wall between the kitchen and dining room and making a kitchen diner. I'm looking forward to hearing about progress on this. Joanne also includes snippets about her two boys, one of which is now at university. I love to read Joanne's newsy posts, not just about her gardening exploits, but about other things too, as they help you to get to know the person behind the blog.
I wish Joanne all the very best for the gardening year ahead, and I shall be following her progress through her blog. I know that some of you already follow Joanne, but if not, do pop across and have a read, and don't forget to tell Joanne that I sent you.
Archie died on Monday. He was just two months shy of his fifteenth
birthday. He'd had a long and happy life, but I wasn't ready to let him go.
I don't th...
6 days ago