I think I've made a big mistake with my tomatoes this year. I started them off inside the plastic greenhouse which was placed inside the normal greenhouse for a little extra protection. They were taking ages to germinate so I brought them in to the house on a sunny windowsill and in no time at all, they were popping their heads up through the soil. I decided that I would move them back outside as plants grown indoors tend to grow leggy and rather weak. Last year, my method worked great, the plants grew really strong. Things haven't worked out the same this year, I assume it's because we're having much cooler weather than we did last year. I've lost a few seedlings to damping off, some are very tatty whilst others just aren't growing. I've decided to cut my losses and start again. I'll still keep the originals going and just hope that they recover, but I've now got a back up, and these are being started off indoors on the windowsill where they'll remain until the weather improves. I've learn my lesson, sometimes seedlings do need a little extra care than I sometimes give them.
Most of the seedlings started off in the greenhouse are taking a long time to germinate at the moment. The radish I sowed a week last Sunday have germinated and are growing well, it shouldn't be too long before they're ready to harvest, they grow really quickly. The brassicas are enjoying this cooler weather though, they don't do very well if they're given warmth so the temperatures at the moment are suiting them and they're growing well. I just need to keep the slugs off the seedlings now, I think it was last year that a slug devoured the lot and I had to start again.
I don't think there'll be any allotment gardening happening this weekend. We've had so much rain just recently that I can imagine it being a quagmire down there, even hubby and son's cricket match which they were supposed to be playing in tomorrow has already been cancelled. Instead, I shall satisfy my desire to be doing something constructive for the garden by sowing some more seeds, I think it's the turn of the sweetcorn and squash.
Archie died on Monday. He was just two months shy of his fifteenth
birthday. He'd had a long and happy life, but I wasn't ready to let him go.
I don't th...
6 days ago