OK, so it's not a chilli pepper it's a sweet pepper, but hasn't the weather been red hot? Unfortunately I've missed most of it as I've been stuck indoors most of the time with a poorly child. Typical! I have kept nipping out into the garden though trying to get bits and bobs done.
As you can see, my pepper is now starting to produce fruit. There are lots of flowers on the plant so hopefully there will be more to follow. As we don't eat many peppers and also due to lack of space in the greenhouse I only have one plant so I'm hoping it does well.
The blueberry bushes have lots of berries on them. I had one plant last year and it didn't produce anything so I bought a second plant at the back end of last year. It certainly looks like it's done the trick and I'm just waiting for them to ripen now.
Also at the back end of last year I bought a Stella cherry tree. It has been grown on dwarf rootstock and as I don't have anywhere in the garden to plant it, it is being grown in a half barrel. I was expecting lovely blossom to appear on the tree, but all I got was one flower. At the moment there is the huge amount of one cherry growing on it. I hope the weight doesn't make it keel over! I'm hoping that it's just because it's a young tree and that in future years it will produce much more fruit.
The Dicentra Spectabilis - Bleeding Heart which I bought earlier this year has come into flower again. It had flowers on when I bought it and as they faded I thought that would be it for this year. I just love this plant so it's nice to have a second flourish.
The bamboo which I bought at Easter has now been planted up into a nicer container. As I removed it from it's pot I could see shoots growing up in the roots. I'm presuming that these will eventually push their way through the soil to give a denser clump.
The allotment is now producing it's first harvest. Over a dozen strawberries have been picked and eaten, and there's plenty more to come.